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Virgin Atlantic’s new LAX Clubhouse

LAX’s New Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse is an Oasis of Colorful, Sculptural Design

Travelers at LAX’s Terminal 2—or at least those flying Virgin; have a new sanctuary from the cramped chaos of air travel. Crafted by Slade Architecture and a Virgin Atlantic design team – the lounge features a sinuous white wall accented with copper that snakes through the entrance, main room, and culminates in a bar/café.

Colorful Arne Jacobsen furniture populates the center of the lounge while Eames chairs line a custom-made table of layered bamboo strips.

At the end of the bar, a media installation by California-based artist Diana Reichenbach pulsates vibrantly-colored images to ensure the space positively exudes West Coast vibes.     @wbbrjp

“Do not go where the path leads, travel instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” / Phone  213 387-4345 / 3407 W 6th Street, Los Angeles CA

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